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    List of publications of Simon DE NYS-KETELS

      Contributions to collective works (1)

  1. 1. Vallet, N., De Nys-ketels, S., & Bylemans, M. (2018). Exploring the conceptualization and design of “IEP-Sites”:: SSE initiatives aiming for an Inclusive economic participation within Flemish urban cities. In X. Itçaina (Ed.), Social and Solidarity-Based Economy and Territory, from Embeddedness to Co-Construction (p. 189–223). Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.
  2.   Peer-reviewed journal articles (9)

  3. 1. De Nys-ketels, S. (2023). Myths and Realities of the Belgian Medical Model Colony: A Genealogy. ABE journal,(21). doi:10.4000/abe.14100
  4. 2. De Nys-ketels, S. (2022). Colonial policing and urban space in the notorious Commune Rouge of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Urban history, 49(1), 129-148. doi:10.1017/S0963926820000838
  5. 3. De Nys-ketels, S. (2021). A Hospital Typology Translated: Transnational Flows of Architectural Expertise in the Clinique Reine Elisabeth of Coquilhatville, in the Belgian Congo. ABE journal,(19). doi:10.4000/abe.12715
  6. 4. Geenen, K., & De Nys-ketels, S. (2021). Pedestrian Itineraries in Kinshasa: On Shortcuts, Permeable Walls, and Welded Shut Gates in a Former Colonial Hospital. Space and culture, 24(1), 113-127. doi:10.1177/1206331218797037
  7. 5. De Geest, F., & De Nys-ketels, S. (2019). Everyday resistance: exposing the complexities of participatory slum-upgrading projects in Nagpur. Housing studies, 34(10), 1673-1689. doi:10.1080/02673037.2018.1562056
  8. 6. De Nys-ketels, S., Heindryckx, L., Lagae, J., & Beeckmans, L. (2018). Planning Belgian Congo’s network of medical infrastructure: type-plans as tools to construct a medical model-colony, 1949–1959. Planning perspectives, 34(5), 757-778. doi:10.1080/02665433.2019.1633950
  9. 7. Vallet, N., Bylemans, M., & De Nys-ketels, S. (2017). An innovative concept on inclusive economic participation: The governance of inclusive economic participation sites in Flemish cities. Local economy, 32(8), 818-834. doi:10.1177/0269094217744487
  10. 8. De Nys-ketels, S., Lagae, J., Heindryckx, L., & Beeckmans, L. (2017). Service des travaux publics, Province de l’Équateur, Congo Belge: “Situation des constructions C.M.C. au 1-9-1954”. ABE journal,(12). doi:10.4000/abe.3940
  11. 9. De Nys-ketels, S. (2017). Jiat-Hwee Chang, A Geneaology of Tropical Architecture: Colonial Networks, Nature and Technoscience. ABE journal,(12). doi:10.4000/abe.3837
  12.   Theses and master's dissertations (1)

  13. 1. De Nys-ketels, S. (2021). Myths and realities of the Belgian medical model colony : A Genealogy (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ghent University, Ghent.